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New! Photographs from Harold & Eunice Webbink (includes Mallinckrodt, Sehrt & others)
Cracker Barrel Country News
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Note: The articles are listed in chronological order. Most are simply records of visits between families, but surrounding articles frequently carry familiar names or interesting insights into daily life. Articles dealing with the six Webbinks pictured above may be listed again on their individual pages as time permits
- 19020129-Warrenton_Banner_Wed__Jan_29__1902_
Fritz Webbink went to Marthasville today on business. He contemplates locating at that place in the near future.
- 19090618-Warrenton_Volksfreund_Fri__Jun_18__1909_
Heinrich Webbink of Femme Osage was here (in Marthasville) on Saturday on business.
- 19130313-The_Bremen_Enquirer_Thu__Mar_13__1913_
Rev. Webbink leaves Bremen, IN
- 19250417-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Apr_17__1925_
Webbink visits; also Grumke under Augusta News
- 19251113-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Nov_13__1925_
Henry Webbink sold his farm wagon to his son Fred of near Orchard Farm and shipped same to St. Charles Monday.
- 19260122-Detroit_Free_Press_Fri__Jan_22__1926_
Rev. G. W. Webbink moves from St. John's Evangelical Church, Owosso, Mich, to the Evangelical church in Niles.
- 19261112-Warrenton_Banner_Fri__Nov_12__1926_
Fred (Fritz) Webbink elected president of Shippers' Association, organized by dairymen in the vicinity of Orchard Farm.
- 19261126-Washington_Citizen_Fri__Nov_26__1926_
Fred (Fritz) Webbink elected president of Shippers' Association, organized by dairymen in the vicinity of Orchard Farm.
- 19279294-Warrenton_Banner_Fri__Feb_4__1927_
F. A. Webbink of Orchard Farm has a cow that, during the month of November, gave 1080 pounds of milk containing 67.2 pounds of butter fat.
- 19280511-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__May_11__1928_
Poem (by/sent by) George Webbink: The Pleasures of A Farmer's Life Up in Iowa (not)
- 19290624-The_Post_Crescent_Mon__Jun_24__1929_
Paul Webbink (son of Rev. Webbink and later head of Social Science Research Council) assistant clerk to Sen. Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Manufactures - salary raised to $2,220
- 19300328-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Mar_28__1930_
F. Webbink of Orchard Farm purchased the Duebbert farm of J. D. Meyer the past week. Mr. Webbink will take possession of the farm in the near future.
- 19300411-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Apr_11__1930_
F. A. Webbink purchased the Duebbert Bros. farm, located near Femme Osage and will move there soon. Mr. Webbink has been a successful dairyman near Orchard Farm and will continue that business at Femme Osage. The farm contains 160 acres.
- 19301128-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Nov_28__1930_
Henry Webbink opened the butchering season by having a "hog killing time." Several other farmers are planning to follow suit in the near future.
- 19310213-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Feb_13__1931_
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Webbink and family formerly of Orchard Farm are now living in their new home on Hickory Flat. Mr. Webbink purchased the farm of J. D. Meyer last fall.
- 19310313-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Mar_13__1931_
Obituary - Mrs. Henry A. (Anna Christina Thilking) Webbink passed away on March 6th.
- 19310313-Washington_Citizen_Fri__Mar_13__1931_
Obituary - Mrs. Henry A. (Anna Christina Thilking) Webbink passed away on March 6th.
- 19310331-Warrenton_Banner_Fri__Mar_13__1931_
Obituary - Mrs. Henry A. (Anna Christina Thilking) Webbink passed away on March 6th.
- 19320112-The_News_Palladium_Tue__Jan_12__1932_
Niles Pastor Quits: The resignation of the Rev. G. W. Webbink ... St. John's Evangelical Church, Niles, ... comes as a surprise to the city and to many friends
- 19321014-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Oct_14__1932_
Committee of farmers of Augusta and Femme Osage meet at home of Fred Webbink to discuss problems of their community ... soil management / crop rotation, etc.
- 19330120-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_20__1933_
Article on farmers, e.g., Fred Webbink, who were keeping farm accounts - cooperating with the University and the Extension office.
- 19330217-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Feb_17__1933_
Article on farmers, e.g., Fred Webbink, who were keeping farm accounts - cooperating with the University and the Extension office.
- 19330303-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Mar_3__1933_
Henry A. Webbink and Henry Hennecke of Femme Osage were in Marthasville Tuesday to have sale bills printed for a public sale of personal property of Mr. Webbink who is going to retire from general farming and will devote all his time to poultry farming.
- 19340126-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_26__1934_
Obituary: Mrs. Elsie Mallinckrodt - contains the names of her eight children including Luella Webbink.
- 19340316-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Mar_16__1934_
Fritz Webbink and Oscar Nadler were recently appointed district road maintainers by the County Court for the year 1934.
- 19360410-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Apr_10__1936_
Names of Harold Webbink's and Harvey Becker's Confirmation Class.
- 19370409-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Apr_9__1937_
Russell Webbink returned to Augusta high school after being absent for several weeks due to his brother being ill with scarlet fever.
- 19370709-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jul_9__1937_
Fourth of July Party attended by Russel Webbink inter alia.
- 19380225-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Feb_25__1938_
On Feb. 18, Mrs. Blanche Clinton and John Fisher helped the putpils of Femme Osage School to organize a 4-H Soil Conservation Club and a 4-H Supper and Breakfast Club. Girls' reporter - Eloise Webbink; boys' reporter - William Mallinckrodt.
- 19380418-St__Louis_Post_Dispatch_Mon__Apr_18__1938_
Greg Webbink - unknown relation, later referred to as Debbink, interesting story though about Labor unions clashing at St. Charles schools' construction sites.
- 19380902-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_2__1938_
Birthday party for Doris Holt attended by Eunice & Esther Becker, Verna Gosejacob, etc.
- 19380916-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_16__1938_
Fred Webbink, American Legion post Sergeant at arms
- 19381111-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Nov_11__1938_
Elsa Webbink, demonstration on How to make a tuck seam and slot seam at The Loyal Sewers Club.
- 19390106-6 Jan 1939, Page 5 - at Newspapers
79th Birthday Celebration for Henry A. Webbink attended by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Webbink and children, Russell, Harold, Eloise and Elsa, etc.
- 19390120-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_20__1939_
Harold Webbink on the Honor Roll; New course - Hygiene
- 19390407-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Apr_7__1939_
Fritz Webbink, our road boss, has been building dams in the creek at Alvin Hemann and Aug. Becker.
- 19390519-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__May_19__1939_
Augusta News Col: Harold Webbink on the honor roll. Femme Osage News Col: Mr and Mrs. Ora Schnarre and son Neal visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Helmich and family. Don’t miss the recipe for the SPAGHETTI SOUTHERN STYLE (Bottom-center)!
- 19390728-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jul_28__1939_
- Femme Osage Sewing Club article: Elsa Webbink received third prize…on dress exhibit. … Eloise Webbink and Stella Backhaus received first prize and Elsa Webbink second prize in the Style Revue.
- 19390901-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_1__1939_
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webbink entertained relative and friends Sunday afternoon and evening in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary. The occasion was also their son Russell's birthday.
- 19400105-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_5__1940_
- Femme Osage New/Party Saturday Evening: A group of young folks were entertained at the home of Mrs. Hilda Mallinckrodt and family Saturday evening. The evening was spent in playing pinochle and Chinese checkers. Refreshments consisting of sandwiches, fruit salad, cake and cocoa were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mallinckrodt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nadler, Misses Esther and Eunice Becker, Doris Holt, Verna Gosejacob, ... Homer and Harvey Becker, Russel and Harold Webbink...
Mrs. Brink and daughter Marie were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. August Becker and family Sunday.
- 19400503-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__May_3__1940_
- Evang. Church, Femme Osage: Confirmation notice for Eloise Webbink, Walter Bade …
- 19400816-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Aug_16__1940_
- Femme Osage 4-H Club Get Achievement Day Awards:
- 19401220-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Dec_20__1940_
Eloise Webbink won a blue ribbon in style revue, Her dress was of plain blue spun Rayon trimmed with white collar and buttons. She also made a white silk slip
- 19410425-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Apr_25__1941_
- 19410502-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__May_2__1941_- Augusta News: Commencement announcement for Harold Webbink
- 19410509-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__May_9__1941_ - Augusta News: Commencement announcement for Harold Webbink
- 19410529-Washington_Missourian_Thu__May_29__1941_ - Eighth Grade Graduation: Elsa Webbink
- 19410801-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Aug_1__1941_- Femme Osage 4-H Clubs News: The Clothing III girls, Emily Helmich and Eloise Webbink exhibited the woolen outfit they made and entered the style revue, ranking third
- 19420102-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_2__1942_ - Femme Osage News: A group of young folks gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hugo Luetkemeyer Thursday evening for a surprise party in honor of their daughter Delores' birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in playing games and singing after which delicious refreshments were served. Those present besides the honored guest were: Misses Darleen Heman, Eoise and Elsa Webbink, Eleanor Laumeier, Alma Bade, Verna Gosejacob, Stella Backhaus, Lavern Thilking, Emily and Carol Helmich and Corinne Paul, and Messrs Harvey Becker, Lester Nienhuser, Roland Meyer, Russel and Harold Webbink, Robert, Oscar and Herbert Mallinckrodt, Fredrick and Walter Bade and Virgil Hennecke.
- 19420123-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_23__1942_
- 19420925-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_25__1942_
- 19430820-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Aug_20__1943_
- 19430827-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Aug_27__1943_
- 19430910-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_10__1943_
- 19431015-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Oct_15__1943_
- 19431111-Washington_Missourian_Thu__Nov_11__1943_
- 19440107-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_7__1944_
- 19440609-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jun_9__1944_
- 19440810-Washington_Missourian_Thu__Aug_10__1944_ (1)
- 19440810-Washington_Missourian_Thu__Aug_10__1944_
- 19440818-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Aug_18__1944_
- 19440901-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_1__1944_
- 19440914-Washington_Missourian_Thu__Sep_14__1944_
- 19441013-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Oct_13__1944_ (1)
- 19441013-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Oct_13__1944_
- 19441019-Warrenton_Banner_Thu__Oct_19__1944_
- 19441124-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Nov_24__1944_
- 19450104-Washington_Missourian_Thu__Jan_4__1945_
- 19450105-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jan_5__1945_
- 19450209-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Feb_9__1945_
- 19450215-Washington_Missourian_Thu__Feb_15__1945_
- 19450524-Washington_Missourian_Thu__May_24__1945_
- 19450706-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Jul_6__1945_
- 19450810-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Aug_10__1945_
- 19450907-The_Marthasville_Record_Fri__Sep_7__1945_